I'm going to stop saying I'll try to get back on track because it doesn't seem to be happening! The last blog was 8th October, it's been SEVEN weeks! What?! I just counted that on the calendar twice! How has it been that long?! It's been busy, okay, as always. I'll try to update you without writing too much!
Week commencing Monday 8th October - Week 3
Module 102 topics: genetics, microbiology,proteins, clinical pathology, leucocytes, microscopic anatomy.
- Tutorial essay result: Pass (results are: fail, pass, or distinction for top 10%)
- Numeracy test!
Module 101 day:
Lecture topics: child development, local services, safeguarding.
No seminar group session.
Afternoon: first secondary care placement in Musculoskeletal services. This was a bit like a physiotherapy triage clinic to decide what kind of management patients needed.
Evenings and weekend: Went to see Venom in the cinema with some uni friends. First flat birthday party! Birthday cake, drinks, and Never Have I Ever! Finished the Harry Potter jigsaw.
Pub quiz, arcades and pool. Sightseeing and lunch in Brighton.

Week commencing Monday 15th October - Week 4
Module 102 topics: mindfulness, essay writing, cells, genes, proteins, skeletal system, memory, what is healthy? what is normal?, immunity
Practical: digital microscope, first dissecting room session
- Numeracy test results: 100%.
- Module essay topic set.
- Oral presentation topic set.
- First attempt at mock exam - 42.7%
Module 101 day:
Lecture: drug action
Seminar: illicit drugs
Afternoon: history taking workshop
Evenings and weekend: catch up with medic dad, girls night in.
Week commencing 22nd October - Week 5
Module 102 topics: embryology, immunity, social psychology, organelles, intercellular signalling, intracellular signalling, psychology in pregnancy and birth, neuronal signalling, laboratory features of pathogens, skin, new baby.
Practical: dissecting room session
Module 101 day:
Lecture: reflection and eportfolio
Seminar: reflective essay set
Afternoon: personal study - free time
Evenings and weekend: coffee with a friend in Brighton, train home, a friend's Halloween party, stayed over in my uncle's caravan, family Halloween and Bonfire combined party, drive with a friend, train back to uni

Week commencing 29th October - Week 6
Module 102 topics: skin, language development, transmission, incubation and spread of infectious agents, cardiorespiratory system, drug action, clinical skills in biochemistry and haematology, journey from medical student to doctor, human genome project, cell response to injury, nervous system, T cells, predicting adverse-effects.
Practical: the skin
Module 101 day:
Lecture: Interprofessional working
Seminar: Interprofessional working
Afternoon: Community care placement, based in a nursing team that aims to keep people out of hospital and cared for at home
Evenings and weekends: Second flat birthday, pumpkin carving, Halloween Scream Park.
Week commencing 5th November - Week 7
Module 102 topics: molecular biology of cancer, antibiotics, cell structure and communication and drug action, intellectual development, body response to injury, genetics of cancer and modern treatment, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
Practical: living anatomy and ultrasound, microbiology
Module 101 day:
Lecture: models of communication
Seminar: communication with patients
Afternoon: secondary care at burns and plastics department, observed hand plastic surgery clinic, postoperative checkups.
Evenings and weekend: Lewes bonfire night, third flat birthday, Christmas decorations, baking, ClueddUpp citywide Cluedo game.

Week commencing 12th November - Week 8
Module 102 topics: body recovery from injury, viruses, imaging the body, lymphatics, growing up and adolesence, commensalism and pathnogenesis, cancer management, psychology of aging, pathology, social psychology.
Practical: inflammation
- Oral presentation.
- Skills in clinical biochemistry and haematology test - 100%.
Module 101 day:
Lecture: epidemiology and public health
Seminar: public health
Afternoon: signs and symptoms workshop
- Reflective essay finished and submitted
Evenings and weekend: organising winter ball accessories, train home, stayed over in my uncle's caravan, shift at work, chinese takeaway for Dad's birthday, girls night with my sister, painting at my Dad's flat, stayed over in my uncle's caravan again, oncology with Dad, more painting, train back to uni.

Arrived back at uni on Monday evening because module 102 lectures are finished.
Practical: final dissecting room session.
- Module essay finished and submitted
- Second attempt at mock exam - 69% - the highest possible pass mark is 60% as we use the cohen method (60% of the score achieved by the highest performing candidate)
Module 101 day:
Lecture: questioning and listening
Seminar: consultaing with patients
Afternoon: personal study
Evenings and weekend: so much revision that I'm going stir crazy!
So, my exam for module 102 is looming on Wednesday 28th November! Honestly, at this point I just want it to be over! I still need to revise more physiology, molecular cell biology and immunology, and I only have two full days to do this. BUT once it's done, we have another flat birthday party, flat Christmas, my Dad is coming to visit, winter ball, and a weekend full of sightseeing for my Dad, before heading home for 5 weeks of Christmas break, and back to work! I'm really looking forward to spending some time with my loved ones and helping my Dad get his flat decorated and furnished, I'm hoping to get back to snowboarding practice too, and of course Christmas is going to be great fun, it's Star Wars themed this year! (If I haven't already done a post about our themed Christmasses then I'll do one at Christmastime!)
I suppose I ought to either go back to my revision or go to bed!
Thanks for reading,
Katherine x