Monday 12 March 2018

Design Plans for my University Room

I recently saw this picture, I think on Facebook (I'm sorry I didn't note where), of a room full of calm, clean colours, and nature.

It got me thinking about my university room and I decided I would set a theme of green and white, with greys and browns, in the hope that I could create a space which would feel peaceful and tranquil, so I could focus and relax. And so, the following mood board was born.

All items featured were found on

These items are not necessarily the exact things I will buy but they are to give me an idea of what I want. I have priced it all up just to see what kind of expense I'm looking at, and I can get all of it (plus a few items not pictured, and some items multiple times) plus home delivery for easily less than £300. This might seem like a lot for a student to pay out to decorate their room but, as I am a mature student I am working and earning and so can afford to decorate a little bit nicer, and all of these items can continue on with me into my student housing and beyond. 

You'll be able to see how my room turns out to be decorated when I move to halls in September.

I hope you don't mind the slightly different post this week, but I do want this blog to cover my whole journey and that includes some things that are not directly related to applications or study.

Thanks for reading,

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