Let's backtrack to the last blog: my last week before uni:
I worked two long days and three half days. On the Thursday I had a movie and pizza night with one of my best friends. And my Dad was unfortunately admitted to hospital again as his stoma wasn't working properly. I had a small leaving meal and drinks on the Friday and a couple of the GPs I work with gave me some lovely cards and presents.
Sunday 16th September:
My Uncle drove me and all of my stuff, down to Brighton University and helped me to move in.
There was a small welcome reception in Medical School in the afternoon, with nibbles and cake, so we headed over there for half an hour.
But, I wanted to get back and get unpacked and organised before classes the next day.
In the evening, after my Uncle had gone home, I headed back to the Medical School for a champagne reception and to meet my Medic Family. I got two Medic Dads from Year 2, and a Medic Brother and Medic Sister from Year 1. This structure of "families" is endorsed, and strongly encouraged, by the medical school to provide mentorship to new students and to help people make friends. After bottomless champagne (read: a bit too much) one of my medic Dads drove me and a flat mate home and I helped my flat mate bring in her ASDA home delivery!
Week commencing Monday 17th September: Lectures began at 9am on Monday morning but all week it was introductory and admin type lectures.
- Monday I had classes from 9am - 12.15pm then we had our first Academic Tutor Group 2-2.45pm. This is a seminar run by a member of faculty, not a medical doctor. We also got our first lot of homework - to complete a CV template and send it to our Academic Tutor. And finally an IT check 3.30-4. Back at home my Dad had to have another surgery. Key hole this time, to give him a drain type thing called a caecostomy, due to the cancer wrapping around his large bowel.
- Tuesday I had classes from 9-11.15, and enrolment 2.45-3. Then I got the train into Brighton with one of my flat mates to get some food shopping, and buy some cards to send to the GPs who got me leaving presents. In the evening I had my Medic Parents Evening where I went for a meal and games with my Medic Family, where we joined another 3 medic families for a huge dinner of chilli con carne with rice, and a very competitive game of Articulate.
- Wednesday was Freshers Fairs all day so the only thing I had to go to was an IT practical 3.15-4. I also went to the BSMS freshers fair and got all the freebies! So many pens! Signed up to the MDU and got a free medical dictionary. BMA gave me a goody bag for signing up. Also had a look at a bunch of societies. It was great! In the evening I went to a Freshers Bowling Night and played two games, and made some new friends.
- Thursday I had classes all day from 10.30am-5.15pm.
- Friday I had classes 10.30am-1pm, then a Library Tour 2-3pm and a QuickScan Learning Style test 3.30-4.15. Then I had to get on a train at 5.10pm to head up to Watford Junction to meet my family for Warrner Brothers Studio Tour the next day.
This trip was supposed to be for my Dad's bucket list but he was still in hospital, so our Grandad came instead for his birthday. Dad was actually discharged later that day.
WB Studio Tour was running a Goblet Of Fire event which meant, in addition to the usual displays, there was additional GoF pieces taken out of storage and displayed. This included the Goblet which spat the paper out in the Great Hall, complete with paper to take home. There were also additional pieces from each task, and Tom Riddle's gravestone. I'll try not to attach too many photos!

I also tried the butterbeer ice cream, which was much nicer than the actual butterbeer drink, still quite sweet and sickly though.
My sister bought me a jigsaw puzzle which is on a piece of cardboard on my bedroom floor slowly getting done.
- Sunday I got the train back to uni and our flat had a meal all together. One of my flat mates cooked a veggie lasagne, which was yummy! And then we all watched Top Gun in the living room.
Week commencing Monday 24th September: Lectures started properly this week, interspersed with a few remaining admin lectures. On Tuesdays we study Module 101 - Clinical Skills, taught by medical doctors, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we study Module 102 - Foundations of Health and Disease, taught by scientists of the relevant fields. These modules are both Level 4 modules, so that's Undergraduate Year 1.
- Monday I had classes 9-11am and 1-4pm, including anatomy and physiology.
- Tuesday I had classes 9-12 and 1.30-3. This was about ethics, and we had our first seminar with our clinical facilitator - basically a medical doctor.
- Wednesdays we always have a half day, so I had classes 9-10am and 11am-1pm. These were about molecular cell biology and the human genome. In our academic tutor group we got more homework! To complete the 10 numeracy practice questions by the following Wednesday, and our Tutorial Essay by the following Friday. This was a 1500 word essay on the public health focus on cardiovascular disease. This essay was formative, which means we had to do it but we don't have to pass it, although if we don't pass we may be asked to write part or all of it again after feedback. It's basically to check we can write a scientific essay. Wednesday afternoon one of my friends arrived to stay over. We went to ASDA and bought a selection of mini bottles of wine. I cooked dinner and we had a wine tasting and chilled out evening.
- Thursday I only had one lecture about body donation from 9-11am, the rest of the day had been blocked off for us to attend the University of Brighton freshers fair if we wanted to. But instead I went into the city with my friend and we had lunch, and walked along the seafront and had an ice cream.
He was supposed to stay for a second night but unfortunately had to go home to sort something with work. That evening I met up with some uni friends and went to a Harry Potter pub quiz on campus where, of course, we won and got a mini bottle of prosecco each!

- Friday I had classes 11am-1pm about pharmacology, and then a computer practical 3-4pm where my team also won a challenge and we all got a bag of sweets each! I also finally got my occupational health clearance to go on placements! That evening I had to catch a train at 6.41pm, arriving back in my hometown at 11.31pm. I spent the travel time reading sources for my essay!
- Saturday I went to work at my old job from 7.45am-12noon, then did a little bit of shopping with my Mum, and had an appointment at the bank at 1pm. That afternoon we had a birthday party tea for my Grandad. I also had to work through some online safeguarding modules and read more essay sources.
- Sunday meant more safeguarding modules, and more essay sources. I had to catch the train at 3.22pm. The journey back to uni was a saga. A train got cancelled because they couldn't find the driver, the next train stopped at every station, I missed my direct connection to Brighton and there weren't anymore, so I had to go part way and then change trains, and my final leg was rail replacement bus. I finally got back an hour late at 10.15pm. But my amazing flat mates had a mexican night and saved me some tacos with salad, and a home made brownie and ice cream!
- Monday I had classes 9-11am about cell physiology. The afternoon had been blocked off for us to complete an IT skills review, which also had to be in by Friday, the same time as the essay. Honestly, I took a nap. Then finished my safeguarding modules, as they were due before Tuesday, and carried on reading essay sources.
- Tuesday I had classes 9-12 about doctor and patient agendas. In the afternoon I had my first Primary Care Placement, in Eastbourne. I met up with my GP partner, and we missed our train. Great start. Rang the office to reschedule our taxi at the other end and got the next train, half an hour later. Thankfully we made it to placement with minutes to spare! We were there from 2.30-5.30pm before getting a taxi back to the station. It was half an hour before the next train back to campus so we treated ourselves to a subway for dinner. It was almost 7pm by the time I got back to my flat and my brain was exhausted. I took some time out to listen to some music, take a shower and relax, before one of my uni friends called about helping to build some furniture and eat pizza, so I went and did that for the evening. When I got back I finished reading my esssay sources.
- Wednesday I had classes 9-10am and 11am-12noon. Academic tutor group was going through the numeracy practice questions, and I had to get up in front of the group and show my working on a question that only I had managed to get right. I hate public speaking but I think I'm starting to find it a bit easier. We were also advised that a numeracy mock test paper would be live online later in the week. The lecture was about biopsychosocial perspective. The afternoon was dedicated to working on my essay, after a nap, and I got it mostly done and sent it to one of my 2nd year friends (this was allowed, although we were NOT allowed to share it with other first years) to get pointers on structure.
- Thursday I had classes from 10am-12noon and 2-4pm. These were about DNA, muscles, learning and cell physiology. That evening I picked up the essay feedback from my friend and adjusted some bits I had written and then finished it off. I then sent it to my sister (also allowed) for proofreading and spelling and grammar checking. We worked through it adding in the commas that I always miss out! Then I finally submitted it. I also then had to complete the IT skills review and submit that too.
- Friday I had classes from 11am-1pm about infection, immunity and medical microbiology - some of my favourite topics! The afternoon was very chilled as I had now submitted all of my major homework. In the evening I had another medic family meal to go to, and I got to meet my my medic "grandparents" (third years). Afterwards I met one of my flat mates, and his friends, in a pub, we were waiting for our other flat mates to come out and meet us, but my phone had died so I could only go where he was going. We ended up going to a couple more pubs and then getting the bus back to the flat. I had the longest night's sleep, it was amazing!
- Saturday I didn't leave the flat. I did some tidying, and just spent the day relaxing. And I found such a good music playlist on youtube, it kept me entertained for hours!
- Sunday I went with some flat mates to do my food shopping. I cleaned the bathroom, and dusted my room. Changed my bed and did all the washing. I watched a couple of films in the evening - Nightmare Before Christmas and Labyrinth.
This coming week:
- I have my first secondary care placement coming up, in musculoskeletal services
- I have a numeracy test - this is summative - I have to pass - but the pass mark is only 50%
- I have a flat mate's birthday celebrations and night out
- And, of course, lectures every day!
Thanks for reading.
Katherine x
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