Okay, it's time to get this blog organised! At the end of my last blog post I said I was going to talk about what I got up to over summer so I'll cover that today and then crack on with getting up to date.
I've got some new ideas, topics and styles for this blog this year but I don't want to leave a big gap in it so we'll get caught up first. It was a busy summer so this post will probably be fairly long but I'll try to keep each section short so it's a bit easier to read!
NASS Festival (https://www.nassfestival.com/)

My sister also volunteered with me. She started volunteering with Oxfam in 2015 and from the following year we both quickly climbed up the ranks to work in the shift leading team. We usually work on shift at the same time but tend to prefer slightly different roles with her based as Shift Leader while I tend to work in Event Control. This means that she coordinates more what Oxfam is doing on the ground while I have a wider view of what's going on across the festival and how Oxfam fits into the bigger picture. We have the added bonus of really knowing how each other thinks and works and so this really boosts our communication and teamwork.
During the time off from shifts we are free to enjoy the festival. We can usually be found in the Pro Park watching the action and BMX is our favourite to watch, mostly because the tricks are easier to tell apart and it looks more impressive. We make sure to grab a good space to sit and then take turns going to fetch food or drinks so we don't lose that space!
We don't usually watch that much live music at this festival, mostly because it's not really our thing but we have seen Pendulum and Knife Party here.

New House
Straight after NASS finished I headed to Brighton to pick up the keys to my new student house the following day. I'm sharing with three girls who I was placed in halls with last year. One of the other girls met me there with her car and we spent the rest of the day unloading our storage unit and moving everything into the house.
On this day we also received our emails from the medical school to let us know if we had passed Year 1, and we did!
After we had finished moving everything into the house we hit the road for a 3-4hr drive to my house as the following day we were going to volunteer together with Oxfam at Latitude Festival.
Latitude Festival (https://www.latitudefestival.com/)

I worked in Event Control here which was a role I hadn't previously done at this particular festival, but as expected I enjoyed it. It was a bit quieter than some other festivals I'm used to but it was a nice change of pace.
Dad's Burial
After I arrived home from Latitude the next "event" of my summer was the burial of my Dad's ashes with his family and close friends. He had, before he passed, already arranged permission to have his ashes buried at one of his favourite fishing lakes, and a golden willow tree to be planted to mark the location. The staff at the lake had chosen and cleared a space for him at the final swim he fished from. (A swim is like a marked out location on the lakeside for fishing).
His ashes were buried and the willow tree planted above them so he will nourish the growth of the tree and in so doing become one with it. We also all took turns sprinkling wild flower seeds around the tree. Spoiler: they never bloomed, which is probably for the best to be honest. I could always imagine him saying "I can't believe you planted flowers around me!" haha!
Family Holiday


During this holiday we stayed at the same holiday park but we didn't want the holiday to be too sad so, apart from heading to Drusillas Park to see Dad's sloth, we decided to do some different things instead.
We spent a day at the Observatory Science Centre at Herstmonceux. This is where the Royal Greenwich Observatory was based from 1958 until 1990. The site now houses a hands on science centre and the renovated telescopes, some of which can still be used. Find out more here: https://www.the-observatory.org/#
We also spent a day in Brighton as my family had never been before, and we decided to go on the British Airways i360 (https://britishairwaysi360.com/). Now let it be known that I am terrified of heights and so it took a considerable effort to stand near the edge and taking a photo of me smiling!

Boomtown Fair (https://www.boomtownfair.co.uk/)

Boomtown is based in Winchester and has a capacity of 66,000. The festival is split into 14 uniquely themed districts all with different theatrics and music to explore. This festival also has tons of secret stuff going on so the more you get involved the more you will discover. If you see a closed door, give it a knock, who knows what will be behind it!

On a non-work note the weather really took a turn for the worse during this festival as a storm hit the west coast and rolled in. Emergency shelters were set up for people who lost their tents. I saw tents making shapes they were never designed to make! Somehow mine held up, but I did decide to head home a day early just to escape the weather! I live (at home) on the east coast and the weather was holding up much better over there!

I celebrated my 28th birthday at home with my family. It was my first birthday without Dad so it felt a little strange, and I did get pretty upset about it a few days beforehand, but I made it through and the day was actually okay.
My Mum made me a really pretty cake and I got some really thoughtful presents.

Reading Festival (https://www.readingfestival.com/)
Reading Festival is a longstanding favourite of mine and I've been every year since 2013 (mostly working but once as a customer when I took my Dad. A short summary of that trip can be found on this post: https://itsmymedicinejourney.blogspot.com/2018/09/2-weeks-to-go.html). Reading is the festival I choose for the music, and I've had the fortune to see almost all of my favourite bands at this festival so it really does hold a special place in my heart. My sister has been joining me at this festival every year since 2015 and it's one of her favourites too.
Reading Festival is based on Richfield Avenue, in Reading. With the capacity now reaching 105,000 it's also the biggest and busiest festival that I choose to work at.

Other challenges of the festival included the weather exceeding 30 degrees (Celsius, 86F). This meant long queues for water points, and the water from them being warm due to pipes often being exposed to the heat, also living in my terrible bucket hat and slowly working my way through our supply of sun cream!
I think my music highlights were probably The 1975 and A Day To Remember. I also got to see Foo Fighters for the first time and honestly was disappointed.

In early September I headed out on one final trip. My brother and I took my Grandad to York for a few days. This trip was organised as a surprise for my Grandad and planned around my Grandad going out on a steam train day trip from York. My brother accompanied him out on this trip as he also likes steam trains. I spent the day in York wandering around on my own! My Nana was supposed to come with us but wasn't feeling very well on departure day and so she decided not to come. I didn't mind being on my own though, I've been to York a bunch of times and feel really comfortable there. For a while I had actually considered moving there!

On the days with my Brother and Grandad we visited:
- The National Railway Museum (https://www.railwaymuseum.org.uk/)
- Jorvik Viking Centre (https://www.jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk/)
- The Shambles
- Richard III Experience at Monk Bar (https://richardiiiexperience.com/)
- Barley Hall (https://barleyhall.co.uk/)
- York Minster (https://yorkminster.org/)

- Dick Turpin's Grave
- York Castle Museum (https://www.yorkcastlemuseum.org.uk/)
As well as walking around some of the city walls.
Also pictured is Clifford's Tower which we walked past but didn't go inside. (https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/cliffords-tower-york/).

In the times I was actually at home I kept up with my snowboarding sessions twice a week (usually) but progress was slow and I'm hoping a bit of a break from it will take some of the stress out of it. I have a couple of short, and busy, breaks from uni this year so I might not get back into it until next summer, but honestly I think it was starting to harm my mental health more than it was helping. But I'm looking forward to having a fresh go at it next summer.
I don't think I really have anything else to say about summer, or I certainly can't think of anything right now while it's 1.30am and I have just realised that this is the one Monday when I start class at 9am instead of 11am. Well, I'm going to need a coffee in the morning!
In the next blog post I'll try to cover the first term of year 2, then we won't be too far from caught up.
Thanks for reading.
Katherine x
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